Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Humpday Helpers!

First of all, I want to apologize on not blogging about my awesome weekend in Auburn, but Rodeo was so much fun and is definitely an experience of a life time!!
But now for this weeks Humpday Helpers!!

1. Auburn Visit: My visit this past weekend was a MUCH needed for so many different reasons. I was blessed to see some of my best friends from camp, Savannah, Perdue, Jase, Logan, and Kate Rounds, and it was the biggest blessing ever! Being able to be surround by people who I spend weeks at a time with was so special and I never realize how much I miss them until I am with them again! Here are a few pics to show you my awesome friends!!

 Savannah Perdue and Me
Caroline Payne, Savannah, and Me (I love when friends from different parts of life come together)

2. No Tests: I had one test on tuesday but after that test for a whole week and a half I do not have another test. I know this sounds like it should be normal and should not be some that helps me get through the week, but as crazy as it is since the last week in January I have at least one test every week if not two. And all the tests have broken me down, so having time to just relax and watch a movie and read is one of the best feelings ever!!

3. Friendships: This week with having no tests and not having to study as much I have been able to spend quality time with so many of my best friends and has been AWESOME!! It is sad how much school can take over your life and how distracted you can be from the people who live around you. It has truly been a blessing to be able to hang out with my friends so much this week and I look forward to continuing to hang out with them next week because some of them I will not get to see all summer and we are starting to realize how fast time flies. 

4. The Blindside: One of my favorite movies of all time is the blindside. As part of my relaxing week, I am getting to crawl into my amazingly comfy bed earlier than normal and watch lots of movies. The Blindside is one of the most encouraging movies and I love it so so much! 

5. SUN: The feeling of the bright sun with a slight wind is one of the best feelings in the world. This week we have had amazing whether in Tuscaloosa (minus the tornado warnings when we had to sit in our cellar for 20 minutes...SCARY)...but seriously the sun never fails to put a smile on my face and put me in a better mood. Also, the combination of son and no school work has allowed me to layout on our deck and soak up some rays. Not to mention on a sunny day The University of Alabama is one of the prettiest campus there is...heres a picture that does not even come close to capturing its beauty!!

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