Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Taking A Spare Minute to Breath

Clearly, I have not done a very good job of blogging more this semester, but I can honestly say this is the first time all semester I cannot find something to do (even though I should be studying). To say this semester has been exhausting physically, emotionally, and spiritually is an understatement, but on the positive side the Lord has taught me so so much!

I have really learned to trust the lord more than ever and trust in his plan! When I feel like I have no more energy to study but know I need to study for at least a couple more hours, I usually take a break to do my quiet time and by the grace of God he gives me the energy to fight on a little harder. It has been incredible to see him answer so many prayers this semester.

Recently, I had a very big wake up call from the Lord, but I think he wanted me to be humbled and learn to trust him even more and most importantly realize how incredibly powerful he is. I learned that while I am a perfectionist I am not actually perfect and the ONLY person that is perfect is Jesus. I am quite selfish to think that I can be perfect, but I have always struggled with being a perfectionist and I think it is one of the worst "diseases" someone can have. On the positive side, I realized I needed to fail what I did for a spiritual aspect and also for an academic aspect so I could truly learn and understand what I obviously didn't the first time.

This semester has been a loooong journey, but the light at the end of the tunnel is slowly appearing and my calling to be a nurse is becoming more clear because I have questioned it multiple multiple times this semester! I get to spend the night at home for the first time since July 22, so to say I am excited to go home just not even come close to explaining my excitement!! Oh how I have missed the business and many options of restaurants along with many other things of Atlanta!!

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